Thursday 28 June 2018

Breaking Down Star Wars' #WeTheFans

Welcome to shooting yourself in the foot 101. If you ever desired to see a better way to annihilate your own argument, stack the deck against your own side and turning yourself into a laughing stock, look no further!

So, after my last couple of articles, I expected that I would be given the time to look into more of the benefits of the Expanded Universe. In fact, this was intended to be a look into the novel Death Star, and then hopefully the Dark Forces trilogy along with some video game releases. No, instead, I bumped into quite possibly one of the worst Star Wars things to be produced in written form since Aftermath. In all honesty, I am not quite such which I feel dumber for reading. Someone by the name of Azula on Twitter decided to try and take a stand against Disney, and produced an absolute joke of a declaration:

It's clearly intended to emulate a document from the EU setting, specifically, the Why Do We Fight The Empire piece. I imagine it was intended to serve as a kind of call to arms, but instead, it reads as if all those involved are the worst kind of fans, demanding everything from a creator and expecting it to be delivered to them. Worse still, this was apparently done without consulting anyone on any side, from those who actually want the EU back to the fandom in general.

A few of the highlights involved include the creators trying to "push an agenda of masculine inferiority" and the desire to "bring about the destruction of your own (Kathlene Kennedy's) career in relation to anything in filmography". Oh dear. You might recall that I said in a previous article that the "It belongs to me" is a stage along becoming a severely toxic fandom, and this is it displayed in all its glory. It's a petty and quite frankly narrow-minded piece which accounts only for the desires of one group above all others, leaving no room for other opinions, and failing to even consider that some might oppose them. More incredulously, rather than pushing for an equal standing among fans, it places the priority of EU enthusiasts above those of the films, getting even the most basic Give Us Legends message wrong.

To be blunt, much of this comes off as an attempt to rant about decisions they disliked, but in a manner which had to be seemingly taken seriously. It's akin to when you have a maniac try to form a court case against someone, purely so they can list off multiple frustrations and severe irritation with another person. All that ends up happening is that one person sets up a pedestal for themselves, allowing for a public demonstration of shoving their head up their own arse. Yes, that's not too eloquent, but by this point, I personally do not give a damn. This in turn only leads to the very thing they opposed becoming worse, and as was discussed in previous articles, it only ends up blowing up in their face. The opposing side is encouraged to double down on their actions and makes things worse for the other side. As a result, someone does something stupid like this, and the whole thing starts over. If you wish for a good example of this in storytelling, just look at Dragon Age II's Templar-Mage situation.

However, perhaps the single most frustrating point is how this ends up both shooting the author in the foot and also undermining their key points. One of the parts toward the end cites the problem with fans who dislike The Last Jedi or the franchise direction being treated as "overweight white males and members of the alt-right". It's a valid point, and if you have ever wondered why I have an approval process for all comments, let me just say that there is a great deal of ugliness that I continually block. Equally, you could discuss the gender politics at work, or how certain directions have been mishandled because there is a discussion to be had there. Yet, it throws these in by whitewashing them all as a single negative agenda and writing them off as an anti-male decree, which ends up making the writer and their points look ridiculous. As a result, they end up resembling the very thing they are openly trying to distance themselves from, and just make these points look laughable.

Normally I would try to offer points on both sides, no matter which I felt was in the right, but in this case this is just a trainwreck. The writer of this is clearly in the wrong, to the point where it is hard to oppose even the worst of the backlash they receive. Looking at this sort of thing, and combined with the lies, mistakes and contempt of the past, I'm starting to think the best thing would be for each side to wipe the other out, and give someone else a chance to try and rebuild the fanom anew.


  1. I am curious how much will be salvageable of the franchise by ghe end. Two sides screaming rabidly at anyone in their vicinity. It is hardly an inviting atmosphere for anyone that just wants quality entertainment.

    1. I wish I knew by this point. I'm not exactly neutral in this - and i'll freely admit I love the EU more than the Disney canon - but by this point i'm starting to feel that forcibly separating the fandom's individual groups is the only way forward, at least in order to stop them fighting. The sad thing is, that would likely just result in the creation of multiple echo chambers and make things worse, if it were even possible.

  2. I hate it when people do this because not only is it just stupid and impossible to take seriously, but it also works to delegitimize actual points, as you point out here. There are several videos I've seen of people who try to tear down The Last Jedi and show why it's such a bad movie, but I always close them as soon as they start talking about the characters because their points are always the worst ones to focus on.

    To give examples, anyone who says Holdo is a bad character because she's "A pink-haired feminist" or who calls Rose a "fat Asian bitch" has no argument to me because they've completely missed the point (bonus if the review does both, which some have done). They've let their own bias creep so far into their review that they're unable to see that the story doesn't focus on who or what the characters are, and because of this it would still be a shitty film regardless of who was playing the characters or what they looked like. On top of that everyone else who thinks it's a bad movie gets lumped in with them, regardless of why they think it's a bad movie and they just sound as if they're a bigot who wouldn't be satisfied unless all the female characters were making the male ones sandwiches in the kitchen.

    To get back to this though, unlike those reviews which usually don't try to generalize themselves to sound exactly like all Star Wars fans, this not only does that, but comes off as a little kid crying about how unfair something is. Instead of pointing out examples of what's wrong it's just a general "You're bad and I'm leaving!" Which even if it was to be taken seriously leaves the studio with no idea of how to improve. Maybe that's for the best though, as given how these fans not only can't see past their own bias, but want to drag anyone who they vaguely agrees with down with them.

    Finally (and I never thought I'd say this), maybe it would just be best if Star Wars went away for a little while. Give out reprints of some of the older books, maybe put out a game or two, but I don't think we should have new films if this is the reaction we're going to get.

    1. The problem is that those sorts of voices continually drown out any of the good, until you end up with one side screaming non-stop about SJWs and using feminist as an insult, while the other just writes off anyone who dislikes the current direction as a misogynistic racist who supports the alt-right. It keeps getting worse with the months that go on, and Disney seems determined only to make things worse by just doubling down on every decision. It's reached the point where people I otherwise respected now write off the entire EU as a failure. That and state that the only reason anyone is sorry for its loss is because they can no longer perform elitist gate-keeping and feel superior to others. All the while turning a blind eye to those fans who just roll their eyes and sneer "oh, Legends" when you try to discuss anything which isn't a part of the new canon. Or accuse that person of gatekeeping for mentioning something they're not aware of.

      To be honest, it's reaching the point where I honestly think the best point would be just to take the Dara Ó Briain approach: Gathering the entire fandom up, shoving them into one massive stack, and hitting them with sticks, while not caring who gets the worst of it.

      I have said it before and i'll say it again - All that the company needs to do is justify the EU by saying it's a parallel reality. There, done, it's no longer simply "non canon" and has some legitimacy rather than being some forty year bait and switch where the continuity we liked never actually mattered. Well, that and possibly writing Sword of the Jedi as a finale, tying up at least a few of the loose ends of stories which were never finished. I mean, hell, they could crowd fund the damn thing if they wanted. There are enough fans about with the money to fund such a publication.

  3. I'm learning to stay away from SW fans, even Legends to an extent. The amount of toxicity and all just drains me like a damn Metroid on my skull.

    1. Honestly, I think that might be for the best. It's half the reason i'm trying to do more reviews of good Star Wars material now, both to advertise good books to people, and remind myself of when this franchise was not a mix of a rubbish fire and battlefield.

  4. Tbh, these fans could just pool together 8 billion dollars and buy the franchise back. As much as I liked the series, it's not our story, it belongs to Disney now and they'll alter it as they see fit to make their profits and broaden the audience. We're just along for the ride, until we decide to get off and go about our lives.
