Tuesday 22 October 2019

A Temporary Retirement

So things have been quiet on this front for a long time. Given how long I have been writing on this, and how long many of you have stuck with me, it seems fair that you should all know why things have gone quiet.

I'll be blunt here - At this moment I simply do not have the time to write anything as of yet. While I have been reading plenty of novels, armybooks and ideas that I would like to put to paper, life has not permitted me to sit down and do anything. Part of this is my own fault I will admit, but a lot of it has to do with outside influences. I make plans, I set down back-up plans and I aim for long term schemes. Then someone decided to go through things by "winging it" constantly sets down new ideas, changes goalposts and directly makes life difficult for me. This has been the same song and dance for months now, and it has reached the point where I do not think I will be able to contribute any significant works until it is all over. That's the bit at home, but there are also other issues.

The other big problem is, as you might have guessed, the UK crashing out of Europe. While I have done my best to keep politics out of this website and focus upon other things, most of you will know that I have been forced to become increasingly active in protests. The efforts by our unelected Prime Minister May to shut down the internet 'cause reasons was the big one, but Brexit looks ever worse by the day. The UK makes nothing for itself, it's almost entirely reliant upon trade for everything, and yet despite that we have done little to actually make sure we can survive after leaving Europe.

I'm actually not against leaving Europe itself. There are many reasons to leave along with staying, but I always had one stipulation for doing so: A ten-year process of extracting the UK from the European Union by some very competent people to make sure we survive. We have instead had three years of extremely incompetent people with no oversight fighting one another. Our leaders are opportunists, career politicians who have earned their places through nepotism and incompetents who would have been sacked from any other job. Most of those backing this are either doing this out of a personal desire to have their own "Battle of Britain" moment, or because they stand to make a personal fortune through hedge funds. These are, after all, the same bastards who have been killing off the National Health Service because they have financial investments in private healthcare firms.

The top one percent stands to win everything, while the wider population looks ready to lose all that we rely upon to survive. And now we are set to have an orange-faced aging bastard fleece us for all we own at the beck and call of his Cold War relic of a pimp. I can't ignore that. I can't simply spend my time praising or criticising the grim darkness of the far future when it relies upon me ignoring the grim darkness of the present day.

This won't be the end for the website. I will be back, if it requires weeks or months for me to do so. But for the moment this blog is on hold. To those who kept reading over the years, I thank you for doing so and I hope that you will not be left waiting long for me to see new articles, and that I can read your comments.

Until that day, goodbye and have a good life.


  1. On the other side of the Atlantic and suffering through my own awful political and economic situation. Take as much time as you need. Good luck to you and your struggle.

  2. I'm sorry to hear the current situation you face. The world so often seems to get darker these days. Thank you for all the articles over the years. I will be looking out for when you return.

  3. I left the UK years ago but both my sisters work for the NHS and my parents are wondering if their meds will still be available in this brave new world. Do what you got to do. I'll keep you on my blogroll

  4. Sorry about your circumstances - looking forward to your return.

  5. Best of luck to you and your fellow Brits. Here's to hoping one day to read new interesting posts from you in a better future than what seems possible right now.

  6. I'm looking forward to your eventual return. I've been following this blog for a long time and I really appreciate your insight into stories and mechanics. Good luck with your life, I hope you find success both professionally and in your protesting!

  7. Safe travels. I hope you'll be back with your strenght and wits about you in fully.

  8. Late in replying, but I wish you the best. Things aren't looking so good for the UK and not just because of the obvious parts that come up in the news. The BBC's become the UK version of fox news, your lib-dem party thinks it's a get people to take out loans so that they can pay their rent, and idiots keep themselves ignorant and continue to vote for idiots and then keep wondering why nothing gets done and why it's all getting worse.

    The UK's not the only place with these kinds of troubles, but the problems seem to be getting a lot worse in recent years and I'm worried that instead of it getting better, there's going to be some sort of collapse.
