Monday 15 October 2012

Blogspot Pageviews Reset

Usually this is something i'd avoid bringing up on the blog, but there's a question I need to ask. About 45 minutes ago every recorded hit and link to this site was just wiped from the tracker.

This is something of an irritation as I didn't hit a button selecting for this to happen or ask for it to take place. Instead after the 1AM mark it just decided to remove every single last recorded link, pageview and hit from since the first article was uploaded. This is more frustrating than anything else as seeing who has taken interest in the site helps me to know what people want and where I should focus my efforts. For example repeatedly mentioning and returning to the Mass Effect franchise was a result of the people on the Bioware Social Network taking notice and giving an influx of traffic; so I knew to keep looking for new updates to that series and to try and find products related to it. Lesser examples are the Warhammer related stuff due to frequent links onto sites and the occasional one to the Revan review has led me to look into more Star Wars subjects. Also for those who asked, yes the Deception rewrite will be reviewed as soon as it is published, as will a couple of Dietz's better novels.

The point of this is, could anyone please give any information on how to fix this or even detail what might have caused this it so it can be avoided in the future? Either would be greatly appreciated.


  1. It seems this has happened to everyone using Blogger. Hopefully it's a problem from their servers that can be fixed. It is quite frustrating. My bottom jaw literally dropped and rolled away from my head when I opened my dashboard and saw "2 pageviews"

  2. I just wanted to let you know I had this problem also.

  3. Same problem for my blog as well. Pretty frustrating.

  4. Same problem with my blog. I don't know why.

  5. Same problem with my blog this afternoon 10/14/2012.

  6. Yep, Just happened to me. Maybe it's happening to everyone today?
